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> Get Well Soon Sea Mac

post Jul 7 2008, 00:04
Beitragslink: #1


Gruppe: V.I.P.
Beiträge: 1,816
Mitglied seit: 16.Jun 2005

I`m not reading every post in this "other top secret" Forum mrgreen.gif so I just found the Thread with your Accident now.

Ugly Wound. I`m happy to see that it is healing and that you are on the mend.

Be fucking nice
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post Jul 7 2008, 00:06
Beitragslink: #2


What´s the matter with SeaMac?
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User is offline MMX
post Jul 7 2008, 00:26
Beitragslink: #3

Mr. Unbequem / Schlechter Umgang

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You find the circumstances in the Spam section.

@ seamac: Get well soon!

user posted image

12 einfache Tips für Kratom-Anfänger

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Am besten ist es für den Leser, eine jede meiner Aussagen als Lüge zu interpretieren.

<sia> BKA! BKA! BKA!
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post Jul 7 2008, 00:29
Beitragslink: #4



@ Sea Mac:
Get Well!
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post Jul 7 2008, 00:33
Beitragslink: #5


Gruppe: V.I.P.
Beiträge: 2,203
Mitglied seit: 8.Oct 2007
Alter: 38
Aus: Anderswelt

ohhh FUCK, I am sorry. Get well!!!

Sei du die Veränderung die du dir für die Welt wünschst!
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post Jul 7 2008, 12:57
Beitragslink: #6


Get well soon!
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post Jul 7 2008, 13:55
Beitragslink: #7

Salvia Meister

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I want Pictures!

Get well Sea Mac.

Wenn ihr mir Pns schreibt und SD wollt werden diese nicht beantwortet.Es sei denn ich schreibe euch zuvor an.
Ich wohne nicht in Deutschland...
Meine Posts sind alle gelogen,und ich bin sowieso nicht echt.
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post Jul 7 2008, 15:44
Beitragslink: #8

Salvia Kenner

Gruppe: Members
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Mitglied seit: 13.Oct 2006
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Aus: California USA

Thank you Dingo & the rest of you Guys!

Sea Mac has had quite an amazing year! A broken computer was traded in (FREE) for a Brand New (More Powerful) one!

Some Company PAID to FLY me to Las Vegas and put me up in the Riveria 2 days while I attended the CHAMPS LV Trade show as their Salvia Expert (A FREE Vacation)

And I hurt my leg but it is healing up now ...

Many people asked me what happened to my leg so I thought I would post that story here.

On May 17th, after dark, I entered through my back gate ....

It was a narrow, dark, path.

Towards the end of the path I stub my toe: my left knee ricochets off of my right leg just behind the knee.

And I fell over sideways into this:

I felt some pressure, and then the wetness: Suddenly there was blood everywhere! That front gear with no chain on it was just like a little buzz saw, or sharks teeth. I don't have a car so I couldn't get to the emergency room that night.

The grisly wound photos are not for the Squeamish!

Right after I stopped spurting blood:
I staunch the flow and covered it up and I took the next bus in the morning to the emergency room. One stupid doctor there said " How many days ago did you do this?" And they did nothing for me except to tell me to keep it dry for two days and then return.

3 days later at the Hospital:
And it looked a lot worse and they still didn't prescribe any antibiotics: just told me to follow it up with my regular doctor in a couple of days.

I saw a doctor at a clinic three days later and they finally prescribe antibiotics for cellulitis. 10 days after I got the wound I went to see my regular podiatrist for my regular foot care appointment. She took one look at that wound and said it had not been cared for properly. I began visiting her on a weekly basis: it was she who eventually suggested surgery. This doctor is the area expert on lower extremity wounds: when Kaiser Permanente needs to have a patient referred to a foot specialist they referred them to her.

a month ago:
(That's Debriding Cream and not Pus ... Juicy, isn't it?)

Finally, on June 11, almost a month after the wound, I got to the operating table. They used IV sedation which knocked me out right away: they injected something into my IV line in my left arm and I felt coldness spreading up my arm. When the coldness got to my neck: I woke up in the recovery room with my leg wound wound up like a mummy. There were no side effects to the sedation I was up and about right away.

The doctor did a really good job of stitching up that wide open gash:

I wasn't allowed to take a shower: it was record high heat! Over a week later I had some of the stitches taken out:

Finally, several days after that, the last of the stitches were removed.

But it still looks like this:

Yes, that hurts as much as it looks like it hurts. I have got to keep my foot elevated and go easy on it for awhile. So, now you know where I've been for last couple months. I've barely been able to take care of the garden!

And 2 days ago I found a Hummingbirds nest on the ground:
I found a Hummingbird nest on the sidewalk! I recognized it for what it was as soon as I saw it.

The Anna's hummingbird weaves the nest mostly out of spiderwebs, thistle down, and hummingbird feathers. The outside of the nest is decorated with small bits of Bark and lichen to camouflage it.

Here is a look down into the nest cavity:

It was obvious it had been knocked out of the tree because the bottom of it was partly missing. And it was starting to unravel a little. But the intricate craftsmanship could be seen in the way the bark was placed so as to camouflage the nest!

(the hole in the bottom of the nest, where it was anchored to the tree, can be seen in the lower right)

Isn't that amazing? The Hummingbird eats a small spider and gathers its Web. I wonder how she manages to get the sticky thing back to the nesting site: does she fly backwards the entire distance? Then she'll use plant down and her own feathers and she'll weave them all together with lots and lots of spiderweb. Finally the outside of the nest is camouflaged.

I had a small bubble container, the kind you see in those $.25 $.50 and one dollar vending machines in stores: the gumball type machines. Kids will buy a toy and then discard the plastic shell the toy came in: this is perfectly shaped the same as the humming birds nest I found! So I have now hermetically sealed the hummingbirds nest and I shall treasure it always!

I am very fortunate to have such rich interactions with these small hyperactive birds: I can literally read their body language and tell what it is they are feeling when I see them. It is both an instinct and a gift.

I have been honored to honor these beasts: I have freed a trapped one, I have buried a dead one, I feed them all the time, and I have bonded with a few.

I took this photo of Anna's Hummingbirds eating sugar water on my hummingbird feeder. It's one of my best!

My dear friend and spiritual teacher "Veg" once told me that finding a hummingbirds feather was very good luck: he had known people that had searched for decades and have never found one! And I have already found three or four feathers!

And the other day I found several dozen hummingbird feathers all at once and all in one place: Goddess has blessed me more times than there are stars in the sky. I am being told I am the luckiest man on earth, in my own way. I know these ARE REAL Hummingbird Feathers also: she donated them herself to keep her chick warm!

Many Magick things happen when I AM around! Blessings to ALL of you!


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post Werbung:
Beitragslink: #0

Werbefachmann ;-)

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Hinweis: Bitte die jeweilige Gesetzgebung in deinem Land beachten!

"All advertising advertises advertising." ~ Marshall McLuhan
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post Jul 7 2008, 16:13
Beitragslink: #9


Wow that's pretty shocking to me.

Just have a look.


But it heals well, so I am lucky to have an doctor in my family. I am shocked how it could have ended o.o

bye.gif Lolek
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post Jul 7 2008, 17:38
Beitragslink: #10

Salvia Kenner

Gruppe: Members
Beiträge: 145
Mitglied seit: 13.Oct 2006
Alter: 68
Aus: California USA


What were you chasing and what did you run into?

Mine is getting better now: I'm stopping the Antibiotics today.

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post Jul 7 2008, 17:47
Beitragslink: #11


Gruppe: V.I.P.
Beiträge: 2,203
Mitglied seit: 8.Oct 2007
Alter: 38
Aus: Anderswelt

have you made a cold Salvialeaves application?

Sei du die Veränderung die du dir für die Welt wünschst!
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post Jul 7 2008, 19:12
Beitragslink: #12


Gruppe: Members
Beiträge: 585
Mitglied seit: 14.Feb 2008
Alter: 40

ouch sea mac...that's all I can say. Get well soon.

Besides, I really enjoy your enthusiasm and dedication, it's like a fresh breeze of air.

Wer es noch nicht gerafft hat: Ich hiess früher mal lalrettich

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post Jul 8 2008, 18:27
Beitragslink: #13


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Beiträge: 1,682
Mitglied seit: 25.Jun 2007
Alter: 41

Ouch, a «get well soon» from me as well ... unbelievable how you were treated at the hospital, as the wound obviously had at least to be stitched up from the beginning. Medical care is not a priority in the US I guess :S

döp!!!11!1 ¡klick mich fett!
QUOTE(erdbeertoertchen @ Jan 17 2011, 23:32)
wikileaks ist terror unso, weil es uns zwingt uns mit sachen auseinanderzusetzen vor denen uns hauptberufliche journalisten zu schützen versuchen.
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post Jul 8 2008, 22:44
Beitragslink: #14


I rammed my MTB's pedal into my shin - it touched the bone. Luckily my mother is a doctor and she sewed it in the ENT-department of the local hospital.

It opened on a rock festival but now it's healing wel...

But strangely I did not feel any pain. Either self hypnosis and meditation do really do these things or somehow I didn't injure any nerves.. But in other situations I had less pain as well.

(I typed a text much longer but then my PC had problems -.- )

bye.gif Lolek
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post Jul 8 2008, 23:56
Beitragslink: #15

Salvia Kenner

Gruppe: Members
Beiträge: 145
Mitglied seit: 13.Oct 2006
Alter: 68
Aus: California USA

Get Better Soon!


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